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Community Guidelines

Last Updated May 15, 2024

Ally Security Community is a private community for our customers, partners, allies, and employees. The goal of our community is to foster thought leadership for the incident response planning community. We also work with customers directly on how to improve the Ally products.

At a basic level:

  • Be a good human.
  • Don’t share any confidential information.
  • Respect people's privacy.
  • Feel free to update your profile with an image and any info you’d like to share, although we respect your choice to share as much or as little as you wish.
  • Use common sense when it comes to content. No political diatribes, please avoid promoting of your MLM schemes, and absolutely no hate speech and anything else prohibited in our Terms of Use. If not, you will be banished back to the reddit underbelly from whence you came.

Let’s keep the community fun and productive. Slack gives us some nice features to help with that:

  • Use 🧵s for any replies in channels. If someone is not using 🧵s, feel free to 🧵 emoji them
  • We love emojis but Scout is triggered by 👍 so we use 🫡 instead… 😂
  • Notifications are set to be silenced from 8pm-8am local time - you can adjust this and more for yourself in your preferences
  • If you don’t have it already, download the Slack mobile app
  • Aside from the moderators, we’ve disabled @here @channel and @everyone notifications to keep noise down

Channel Overview:

💡 Improving Incident Response: Share your tactics and best practices

📰 Asa News: Your daily interactive cyber news digest. Find new threats to use to test your IR program

🛠 Feature Requests: Let us know about things you want to see improved in the product

🔂 Product Updates: What’s coming and what’s new in the product